Monday, March 8, 2010

Beyond the Realm of Conscience 宫心计

After watching few episodes of the drama, there is a few thought.

Opportunity only can be utilized by those who are fully prepared
King Guang  is well versed in knowledge and martial art even when he is in the plight of being victimized. Most people will be depressed and give up easily in the bad times, but King Guang continues to equip himself with the art of country management and general knowledge. When finally Ma General offers him the opportunity to upthrone the current King, his talent is revealed to overcome the challenges as a new king.

In spite of difficulty, man must be able to be patient and tolerance
Dowagar Quo is an evil character while Dowagar Tai Fei, Mother of King Guang is a more tolerant one. Dowager Tai Fei was victimized by Dowager Quo but she remained petient and tolerance during the period, even she was almost tortured to death. She endure the painful age until she was finally the Official Dowager when her son became the king. Compared to TaiFei, Dowagar Quo simply cannot tolerate with the lose of power. She became restless, agigated, act abnormally which gives Tai Fei chances to remove her power rationally. If Dowagar Quo can be like Tai Fei, who can scan the environment and remain low profile, who knows in the end she got the opportunity to rise and seek revenge.
Dowagar Quo is the typical character of many people in society who cannot afford to lose. One fall and thats the doom for her life. Being successful is no big deal, its merely doing-it-right after many and many failures.
Success is just able to recover from failure and continues attempting.
But, how many can really recover and reattenpt?

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