Monday, December 30, 2013

MY house

One of my 2013 resolution is to buy/ design/ renovate and move into MY house. Of these steps, the first one - buy a house is the toughest. You need to do lots of window-shopping, survey, projection on development 5 years down the road, abit of luck, patience and be bold when opportunity arises. I will include all expenses incurred in the blog today for future reference.

MY house is located opposite Bkt Jalil Recreational Park. Pro and Cons listed below:

- Only one car park, not covered. - scarce car park.
- Facing west - sun in the afternoon
- New school opposite.
- 10 years old -
- Exterior look quite old tradition.
- Water patch in the small room.

- Future LRT station 600m away.
- Close to major highways (Bkt Jalil Expressway/ Kesas/ MEX/ BERRAYA/ KL Seremban)
- Recreational park within walking distance. (Cooling and refreshing environment)
- Surrounded by high end condo - Treez, KM1
- Opposite is the upcoming mall dubbed Pavillion 2 by Malton-Ho Hup JV.

I fall in love with the unit at the first sight, mainly due to the good condition and newly painted wall, despite sun shining directly in the afternoon. Offer price is RM340K, Knowing how hot the properties were in the area, we merely negotiated to RM330K. After checking with few bank loans, (UOB/OCBC and Public Bank), only PBB offered 40 years and BLR-2.4% and was quickly accepted. Upon signing S&P, the remaining portion of the purchase price (90%) must be paid within 90days, else the seller has the right to charge interest. For my case, S&P signed on 8th April 2013, but the full loan only disbursed in August, luckily the seller is kind enough not to charge me interest.

In this project, i keep track with every cents possible i spent, total spend to date is RM93,644. The breakdown of spending is as pie chart below. The deposit (10% of SPA price) accounted to 35% of total spending, while furniture at 25% (RM93,644 x 25% = RM23,411)  is in the runner up.

Do bear with me for the load of figures and statistic i am going to share, but it will be indeed useful for future reference in buying/renovating your house in future.

1. Furniture :
Main items to watch :
1. The purchase of Electrolux Washing Machine and Dryer from warehouse sales at 40% below market price. Original price of Washing Machine EWF10741 and Dryer EDV605 is at RM2,900. But we manage to get both for only RM1,820. The only downside is only 6 months warranty of the two items. To enjoy such discount, one have to be fully prepared (with model number interested at your finger tips) and go early on the ELECTROLUX warehouse sales day (refrigerator all taken up within the first 45 mins). This is our lifetime experience of making two electrical appliances purchase within such short time frame!

Check out their FB page @ Electrolux Home appliances Malaysia for the dates.

Itemized furniture purchases.

2. Aircon - RM3,200/ Renovation: RM22,670

I decided to install aircon in every room and include living room there are 4 units. With the 2 units inherited from the seller, i installed another 2 new units at living room and master room. (Not sure whether this is the right choice to have so many air con)

Teck is my main contractor, I won't say his skill is superb, but still acceptable with few defects/flaws below:

a. Some tiles in the toilet and kitchen were empty inside when knocked, when asked he rest assured me that they won't fall.
b. Light switch behind sofa is isolated, even though i already told upfront to aggregate it together with all lights.
c. The switch for outside light should be outside.
d. He insisted i had small switch instead of big switch.
e. Kitchen plugs were too high, resulted in the wall unit had to be shifted higher.
f. Master room sink is still unstable even though reminded him multiple times.

I admitted that i was partially responsible for some mistakes above, but due to my indecisiveness, notwithstanding the lack of experience in house deco, hence he had the upper hand of leading me. Next time, i will do better. In short, he is cheap but not the best!

Itemized air-con expenses.

Itemized contractor expenses.

Despite the abovementioned, now MY house is ready. I officially moved in on 1st December 2013, after 9 months of the long awaited purchase (I paid 3% to the agent on 9th March 2013,).

Whenever i reflected of the accomplishment, the largest credit  goes to my dear wife-to-be. It won't be possible without her relentless support, despite arguments at times, and patches up quickly. It might not be the largest/ most luxurious unit town, but it is definitely a warm and comfortable nest for us to dock and relax.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


"No Man Is An Island" 这句著名的英文成语说明了人类对孤独寂寞的恐惧。








女- 肚子饿,或者愿与之共患难而憔悴模样,或者生气和责怪对方不守时。
男- 肚子饿,内疚,愧疚。或者不满自己的工作,或者下次匆匆忙忙赶回家。



女 - 肚子饱,安心。用烹饪绑住男人的胃,用贤淑绑住了男人的心,做个幸福的女人。
男 - 肚子饿,窝心。有回到避风港的感觉,无后顾之忧,充满电可继续冲刺。


Monday, August 26, 2013

Exploring outside your routine social circle

"No man is an island" the good old saying goes.

Every man has their own social circle, divided into Inner, Intermediate and Casual.

Inner - 
your core family members ie parents, siblings, spouse and children, usually less than 20.

Intermediate - 
your close friends ie the "bros" and buddy, usually less than 50

Casual - 
friends that share the same background or interest to "hi bye" friend. Unlimited numbers.

Maintain a healthy social circle is as important as to maintain a healthy diet. An unhealthy social circle, overly skewing either to Inner/Intermediate/Casual circle will cause anxiety to parties involved.

To illustrate, a buddy of mine recently celebrates his 28th birthday with his bros (Intermediate), forgetting his family members (Inner) dinner appointment; as a result his family members refused to talk to him in the next day, causing anxiety for him and his family. This is a common within the extroverts, mainly guys.

Similarly, somebody whose social circle over-skewed to Inner circle, often require more accompaniment from the partner (core family members). In this case the party that requires more attention will constantly feel insecure when their partner is not around or out socializing, grumbles; while the other party will find his/her partner being unreasonable and over-possessive. The disparity will inevitably leads to argument; resulting in higher anxiety level on both parties. This is common in a relationship, not limited to only ladies, but also to a certain extend, the over-protective guys.

The two illustrations above resembles an analogy of vitamin overdose. All of us know Vitamin C is very important for our body immune system and antioxidant, but in an overdose scenario, it damages our kidney and cause gastrointestinal problems. Hence it is critical to maintain a healthy social circle. But how?

Our routine social circle, especially Intermediate and Casual, are fragile and tend to be shrinking gradually amidst a hectic work schedule environment. We will be too exhausted to socialize after a hard day work. Hence it is good to have annual escapades (team-building, travelling or social event)  to breakout from your routine social circle and dive into the "blue ocean", building new relationship with people, literally strangers.

In such scenario, you could be either be with friends or none at all, reaching out to make new friends. Similarly, the potential new friends in the blue ocean may be alone or already in a group. This is when we sharpen our already rusty socializing instinct, approach and being approached, and most likely will end up with friends with similar character and interest. Do not fear to approach people as you will end up receiving more. You could be switching from one group to another, just like you switching TV channels, to find a programme that truly enticed you.

During my recent company team-building event, there were thirty participants selected across various department /division with most of us are new to each other. At first the group starts to form among the own race, thereafter across the race after the ice-breaking.

One observation I had was certain group of people, especially Chinese (sorry to say), have higher tendency to shoot more complaints. The non-satisfactions range from bed too soft, water not hot enough, food too cold, despite being a fully sponsored event. You could hardly see these complaints coming from the Malays and other race (both guys and ladies), who i perceived are more tolerating with the environment. To be fair, during my backpacking experience, the Caucasian does not complaint as much as the Chinese tourist. The organizing committee has good foresight of these coming, hence arrange most of the Chinese in the double room while the rest in dormitory, yet there are still lots of complaints. Some points to ponder.

In the end, I "switched channel" from those with much complaint in their conversation, to stay away from their negativity especially when I am close to the undisturbed mother nature with pristine and clean air. Notwithstanding that, I have a gut feeling that some new acquaintances from the event could be upgraded from Casual to Intermediate of my social circle.

There is no hurry to cherry-pick the right one.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

台湾9天8夜樱花初开游 (第六天)

今天的行程只有一个景点 - 台北故宫博物院。






比起中国AAAAA 景区门票人民币80-160元 (RM40-80),故宫博物院的门票很便宜,普通票160元(马币RM16),学生80元。反观我国马六甲动物园普通票是RM15,这样的价钱可以看到世界四大博物馆实在物超所值。



参观完博物院后,我们便去西门町逛街。埔里(Puli Guest House) 的度部先生介绍著名吃生鱼片 (Sashimi) 的餐厅- 三味食堂,位于西门町附近,便步行过去。




吃完由于时间接近10pm, 因此我们简略的逛了几条街道就回去睡觉了。

台湾9天8夜樱花初开游 (第五天)

我们订了台中-台北10.39am 的高铁票(提前网上订购可享有8折,700/票折扣至560/票,统称早鸟票,。



从埔里到台中高铁站每半小时有一趟客运,由于之前买了600元的套票,我们就乘坐南投客运过去。我们乘坐8:30am 的客运,9:30am 就抵达高铁站了。

乘搭高铁,感觉很稳定,如果不看窗口外飞过的景色,根本不察觉到高铁正以315km/hour 的高速飞驰。

买了高铁便当后,我们拖着行李去我们接下来三晚的住宿 - 阿猫乱走。

4pm 到达忠烈祠后,我们很幸运的得以见证了4pm 和 4:40pm 的忠烈祠门口站岗的卫兵仪队交接换哨仪式,还有5pm 的操枪表演。

温馨提醒:卫兵仪队交换时间每日早上9:00am 开始,之后每个小时交接一次,最后一场交接提早至16:30 举行。每日9am 和 5pm 实施操枪表演。

离开了忠烈祠,我们搭公车前往士林夜市。由于冬天的关系,天黑得特别早。这是大约傍晚5:30pm 的夜市。





Tuesday, May 7, 2013




表面上,行动党取得空前胜利, 华裔大团结,一股作气把行动党推举为最大反对党成员,在国会里传达华裔的心声,成为一股不可忽视的力量,应该可喜可贺!


继第12届,第13届大选在安华效应下反风狂吹,民联讲座处处爆满 ,募捐款项屡创新高 。



回到正题,那吉胜选致词时,宣布国阵成绩滑跌是一场华人海啸(Chinese Tsunami) ,认定华裔是罪魁祸首。预料接着会陆续有巫统成员把华裔标榜为企图推翻国阵政府的始作俑者。

他接任首相后立刻废除上市公司须30%土著的固打被视为开明政策,被视为废除保护土著的新经政策的试金石。接二连三的参与华社活动如出席和参与新春团拜和接见董总,饱受巫统内部极端分子的压力,催生了如PERKASA 等土著保守组织。









Thursday, April 25, 2013



不过这白日梦要有点"聪明" (SMART = Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time Bound)



年龄 - 

18 - 23 - 
大学, undergraduate
深造学位 -  进修工程知识,磨练分析数理能力,人格塑造,探索目标。

23 - 26 - 
传销/销售, sales executive

26 - 27 - 
大学, postgraduate
工商管理 - 进修人士管理,金融与经济,企业管理的理论。

28 - 30 - 
银行, Executive
金融知识 - 掌握基本经济理论,金融产品,融资管道,财务规划。

30 - 33 - 
银行, Executive
开拓新视野 - 认识区域经济走向和经商环境,熟悉各区域的金融环境。

33 - 36 - 
银行, Dept head
行政管理 - 负责银行单位或组织的营运

36 - 39 - 
国行, Executive
宏观经济 - 理解各国行的金管政策和利率走向等宏观。

39 - 42 - 
上市公司, CFO
领导企业 - 营造企业价值,核心文化,设定远景。

42 - 45 -
上市公司, CFO
达到目标 - 领导组织达到所设定的目标。

45 - 48 - 
进修教育- 进修以便投身教育/培训于金融管理领域

48 - 55 - 
教育使命 - 投身教育

55后 - 



再者,CFO 有钱又有权,谁不想?



Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Kind Samaritan around us

Another day by LRT and shuttle bus.
Shuttle bus will leave our office at 6:30pm. By 6:25pm, i was already waiting in the bus station.
After 10 minutes there is still no sign of the shuttle bus.

"Not again !!! Another late experience taking the bus" I began to complaint.

Just then, a travel bus parked right in front of our office, taking the place of where the shuttle bus will stop and pick passenger.

So happened I saw my friend from Bangi coming out from the bus, as my usual self, i walked over and begin chit-chatting with her.

Meanwhile, i was looking up and down waiting for the shuttle bus.

6:45pm, the small crowd of about 5 people who were waiting for the shuttle bus, suddenly disappear.

"See, this how our people was trained. To them, whenever the bus does not arrived after 15 minutes, they assume its not coming and "automatically" look for alternative. That's our level of distrust to bus services. They must have taken a taxi..." I thought to myself.

Then a public bus to Maluri LRT station enter the station. Instead of waiting for a taxi to stop, knowing that taxi is rare during the peak hours, i boarded the bus. I can't remember the last time i took a public bus, not in the past 3 years. The passengers were 60% foreign workers, 30% Malay/Indian and 10% Chinese. Felt like a tourist in Nepal/ Bangladesh.

I disembarked at a bus stop close to Chan Sow Lin LRT station, and began walking for about 10 minutes before reaching the destination.

It was a hot and humid day, i was sweating. The infrastructure was not user-friendly for those who want to walk.

I was scolding and cursing the driver in my mind, thinking of how to confront the driver who didn't turned up on time.
Suddenly i saw the shuttle bus approaches, i waved and it stopped.

When the door opened, i began to question the driver. His answer shocked me.

He said:" I reached our office about 6:40pm, but there was a tourist bus there, so i have to park parallel to the bus. A few of them got into the bus. I waited for about 3 mins and you didn't get into the bus." He explained patiently and i can tell he is sincere and is guilty for leaving without me. Before he left, he even gave me his personal contact number in order for me to contact him if i am not sure whether his bus have left in future.

My mind gone blank after he left. One minute ago i was furious, wrongly accusing the driver for not coming.
and now for his kind gesture, i felt ashamed of myself, and glad that i didn't sounded rude at him when i questioned him.

Despite the backdrop of high crime rate nowadays, there is still good Samaritan around us. He/she may not be someone prominent, in this context a bus driver, and he deserved our respect.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Why do I take LRT to work?

The trip to Taiwan, make me feel jealous of how efficient their rail transport is,
"See how good people's MRT? Our Malaysia LRT really sucks!" I thought to myself.


" When is your last time taking LRT? Do you take LRT every morning? How is the people traffic during peak hours? Who are those taking LRT? If you don't know, why are you throwing such blanket criticism when you don't... "
As usual my thought process started another series of battle, conclusion is I am going to take LRT every morning, to experience Malaysia public transport!

Of course that is not the only reason I took LRT, another one is because the traffic congestion on major highway is quite bad during peak hours.
How bad? An usual 20 minutes drive will become 60 minutes.

"Blah!!! Only 60 mins and you start complaining? stop being a bitch... We in Bangkok/ Jakarta will be trapped in traffic for 150 minutes for a 20 minutes drive etc.." I know many will respond like that.

True enough, our traffic congestion is not the worse in the world. Far behind Bangkok that is for sure,

This is the real picture i took at Bangkok in 2008. I got off the taxi at one of the BTS station (their LRT) as the taxi totally cannot move, the only thing moving is the metre... Fyi Bangkok was "crowned" the king of traffic jam in the world. That's why their Motor-Tuk business is better than Taxis.

For the sake of privacy, blasting your car audio at desired level, sitting behind the wheel and enjoy the breeze of aircon, it is sheer privilege in Malaysia that every normal people like you and me can drive to work.
" There is no privilege when everyone enjoys the privilege!"

In spite of the bad traffic, many think it is still bearable/ worth the trade off to drive than to be squeezed against sweaty bodies or engulfed in stinking body odour, provided you have reasonably high tolerance to traffic congestion. I don't.

Another reason to take public transport is to save money. How much?

On average i could save RM10.20/day by taking public transport. Saving a month is merely RM10.20 x 22days =RM224.40. For the sake of saving this amount, i have to sacrifice the convenience of having my car at my disposal ie go site visit or flexibility to leave anytime, not able to drive out for lunch etc.

Personally i think it is not the best way of saving money, penny wise pound foolish, you may end up missing the shuttle bus and have to take taxi, which those sucker will suck you dry!

In a nutshell, the experience of taking public transportation outweigh the above reasons. Feel what thousand experienced everyday, when in Rome, live like the roman. We need to understand how important the role of public transport in a modern city.

A bad experience in the first week. I was queuing at the second place, when the LRT arrived, out of sudden many passengers just rush ahead of me into the cramped train. When i realized it, it was too late to squeeze in. In the end i missed my shuttle bus and have to take cab to office.

I am not lamenting on my plight, i am in fact happy with the learning experience. When in Spain, eat like the locals. Still i believe there are areas our LRT could improve:

1. Draw clear queue line on the platform for people to queue up. People need clear regulation to follow.

2. Update the LRT location on real time, uploaded to server, which can be viewed online/ on smart phone, error up to  5 secs.

3. For the train heading to Sri Petaling or Ampang, instead of having the destination shown in front and at the back of carriage, propose to put one on the side of every carriage (only three). This is because all passengers wait at the side of the train before boarding, nobody wait in front/back!

4. Volunteers needed. They can assist those handicap/senior citizen/bringing big luggage and ensure the people queue up in order.

5. Install the LED on the LRT map in the train. The LED light will show green in the station it is going in. Helpful to those absent minded/doze off in the train. (something like below, LRT in Beijing)

After taking public transport for few weeks, i began to find that it is very environmental friendly. Imagine the amount of CO2 emission for a single trip to office, and how much you contribute to the pollution.

I have a dream,
"Hope to see Malaysian like you and me start taking public transport, although we can afford the driving expenses.
It is a virtue to  let those who are in need or urgent/emergency to drive and on the other hand save mother earth.
We can make our country a cleaner, less congested and better place to live."