Just when I was about to say goodbye to the sick-prone year 2013, an overwhelming toothache strike me at the last minute.
On 29th Dec 2013, i had a swell at the inner gum of my upper front tooth. I thought it was due to heatiness, hence without much care, I merely took some herbal tea to expel the heat.
On the next few days, the swelling turned into a painful bit. It gradually spread into the front tooth, resulted in a overwhelming toothache and an intermittent mild fever.
Toothache is touted as the second most painful event to be experienced, (after labour pain) due to its constant pain. The toothache climaxed on 5th January 2014, until the extend my tears were flowing uncontrollably and rummaging through the fridge for painkiller. Also I kept waking up at night in pain :(
Haih, how low is my pain tolerance compared with the mother who had to endure the labour pain.
My consultation with a dentist nearby is another ridiculous event not to be forgotten. The young, fresh-from-college looking dentist looked at my tooth X-ray image and mumbled to herself :"There seems to be no inflammation at the root canal and the tooth is healthy, but why is he moaning in pain" and turned to me to advice me to perform a root canal treatment for the tooth to effectively "remove" the pain i am suffering. Her rationale is since the pain is from the root which the tooth is attached, then it must be infected and root canal is a sooner or later thing.
Should i had no knowledge on root canal treatment, I will just heed the advice from the so-called medical practitioner and proceed immediately.
Root canal treatment actually means removing the nerves inside the tooth, rendering the tooth to gradually die off. Although it is very common nowadays due to its effectiveness in removing pain and saving the tooth from further infection but the result is an irreversible one, hence it should be the solution of the last resort.
For my case, I know sooner or later i might have to bid farewell to my tooth to undergo root canal treatment, but i insisted on exhausting every option available, hence i suggest antibiotics to the dentist. She unwillingly prescribe me the antibiotics, while keep encouraging me to do the root canal treatment, which cost RM1k.
Thus far, the antibiotics is working as the pain subsides significantly. I can also feel the effect from my bowel movement and mouth breath. I seldom take antibiotics, knowing the consequences of antibiotic abuse, probably that explains the speedy recovery on the second day in the antibiotics therapy of five days, but it is not over yet.
Year 2013 is a year full of calamities for my teeth. I did a root canal treatment after suffering from intense pain during my trip in Taipei, then later in October the intense toothache on my upper left wisdom tooth, resulted in extraction due to cavities. Just before stepping into 2014, this is the third one.
I do not lament on the bad luck or unfortunate year according to my horoscope. Instead I am an advocate of using scientific approach in doing cause and result analysis. One message is clear:
Few practices to improve my oral hygiene:
1. Pay more attention in brushing teeth - i always rushed through.
2. Use mouth rinse once a day to remove bacteria. The teeth maybe spotless but the bacteria in the mouth will infest the gum causing bleeding gum. (I had bleeding gum for long time, not knowing how to dealt with it).
3. Brush teeth/ or gargle with mouth rinse/plain water after meal.
4. Take chewing gum enriched with xylitol.
5. Electric toothbrush.
6. Change toothbrush every 4 months.
7. Alternating between various toothpaste to avoid bacteria immune to one toothpaste.
8. Drink green tea and eat onion which the latter is good in killing bacteria in the mouth.
To do the above is hassle, but always remember the intense pain you suffered, you will not hesitate to maintain a good practice.